Is your business ready for Gender Pay Gap reporting?

New regulations mean that on 5th April 2018 all businesses with over 250 employees will need to publish their gender pay gap numbers.  Some, like the BBC, have already published theirs and many have started the process of looking at their statistics internally and working out what they really mean for their individual business.

For most, the analysis will show that there simply aren’t enough women in leadership roles and yet there is plenty of research that proves that more women at the top of organisations results in more profitable businesses.

Some organisations see the review as an excellent opportunity to support and develop women in business and help them to achieve their full potential. Zenith, the UK’s leading independent leasing, vehicle outsourcing and fleet management provider, is one such company.  They are providing a 6 month development programme, written and delivered by Alto, specialists in developing women in business.  The programme is designed to give women the tools to take charge of their careers and addresses key topics known to cause blockers to women’s career progression such as growing confidence, addressing self-limiting beliefs and raising your profile to name a few.

Alto are able to offer complementary services such as 1:1 coaching, establishing and managing mentoring programmes, providing line leader training on the types of issues uniquely faced by women and online development webinars for remote workers.

If you have concerns about the publication of your gender pay gap figures, or see this an opportunity to aid the development of your women leaders, why not get in touch and find out more about this inspirational programme?


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